I love the building I work in. It is a beautiful, turn-of-the 20th Century building in downtown Nashville. It has gorgeous brickwork and mouldings, and tall arched original windows. Seriously how many people can say they work in a bulding with a secret passage way? It is awesome I tells ya.
As I said earlier we have tall original windows. So tall that it would cost a blue ton of money to replace all of them, and hoo boy do we need new ones. These windows are single pane with practically no caulking. They are hella drafty, and I have one of these huge windows in my area.
Now usually I bear the winter rather well in my work world. With a cuppa tea by my side, and a space heater, I function okay.
Not today y'all. I got off the elevator and realized our heater was out. I think the reason our heater is out is because every other thing in our building is working well. Last week we had drama with our fax lines being down, but this morning we received word that they are now up and running. The reason for the loss of heat is obvious.
We have angered the building gremlins. I like to think they look like the gremlin above picture, because this little fella is from my favorite Bugs Bunny cartoon, and he has such jaunty hedgear on. I usually blame him when the computers are down, or if there is a sliver of paper in the nether regions of the copier, making it impossible to use, of course when I am running a deadline. So today the gremlin has struck our heating system. There is a technician here making a valiant effort to repair said unit, but without some offering to our gremlins, I am dubious his attempt will work.
So here I am, with my coat and scarf still on, a cuppa tea by my side, and my space heater working overtime to keep the blood circulating in my legs.
I have discovered that I have wonderful glove typing skills.
Dang I knew I should have brought soup for lunch. Alas.
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