What Would Coco Do?

"How many cares one loses when one decides not to be something but to be someone." Coco Chanel

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Location: Nashville, Tennessee, United States

I love the finer things in life, and I love writing. That's why I'm here. Want Coco to review your product? E-mail me at cococares@gmail.com!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

I Don't Dig the Pointed Stick

I hate needles y'all. Now I know that no one is going to say "OMG I love needles, just like I love rainbows and fluffy bunnies." But seriously anyone that loves needles is probably a masochistic freak.

But yeah I hate needles. I remember as a child, in the doctor's office, two of my doctors nurses would have to pin me down, using their full bodies, to keep me on the table. Then they gave me a cool bandaid, and sometimes even a lollypop. Damn right you'd better give me a lolly and a cool bandaid you purveyors of pain.

So today me extremely super awesome firm had a nurse come in to dispense flu shots - free of charge. I told the nurse, before she gave me the shot, that I would require a cool bandaid (I have lollypops in my desk - so I am cool in that department). She did not have the cool bandaids. I told her that I required her to draw a smiley face on the boring bandaid. She did so, and then pulled out a smiley face sticker from her box of supplies. The shot did not hurt. The nurse brought her "A" game today, and I thanked her for the non-hurtyness.

You'd better believe I am wearing this sticker all day and night.


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