What Would Coco Do?

"How many cares one loses when one decides not to be something but to be someone." Coco Chanel

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Location: Nashville, Tennessee, United States

I love the finer things in life, and I love writing. That's why I'm here. Want Coco to review your product? E-mail me at cococares@gmail.com!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Happy Monday

Yep people don't usually put those two words together, but it is indeed a happy Monday for Coco.

The nice people that clean my house did their thing this morning, so I will come home to carpet vacuum marks, toilet paper ends folded into upside-down triangles, and clean bathrooms. Joyous!

Dear Husband just called to say he booked a wedding in Chicago for September (field trip!) so yay I am looking forward to that. We do weddings all over the place, but we absolutely love Chicago, and try to go there at least once a year. We didn't do so good with Windy City trips in 2007, but this year is looking to be faboo.

Here's a picture he took of one of our bridal couples at "da Bean."

I am also celebrating because I feel good. I got a call from the doctor I saw not too long ago at 8:00 p.m. last Thursday (for serious how is THAT for service). He said my tests came back, and everything looked fine except for one thing that is extremely treatable. He said that I have no function in my thyroid, so I am now rawking the medicine. It should take a couple of weeks for it to fully kick in, but I am looking forward to feeling OUTSTANDING. No more lethargy for me, and my metabolism will be much improved, so there will be less Coco according to the scale and the fit of my clothing. I am so extremely glad that I went to the doctor. Words cannot express my feelings well enough.

This week/weekend are going to be busy busy busy! Dear Husband also shoots sports photography, and we are shooting a figure skating competition here in Nashville. Dear Husband shoots every single skater, and then we download his pictures to viewing stations for customers to buy. We've done this for a few years with great success, and we should bring in some nice cheddar this weekend. I run the computers and take care of customers since I am so awesome with the people. I think I might wear my tiara, because let's face it tiaras are just too wonderful to keep in one's closet.

Here's an example of his skating photography. She is a strong skater, and was skating extremely fast. Isn't it great?

So that should catch you up. I haven't been doing much in the creativity department. I've been more on a "getting-my-shit-together" kick recently. Once I get this domestic thing out of my system I will get back on track.


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