What Would Coco Do?

"How many cares one loses when one decides not to be something but to be someone." Coco Chanel

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Location: Nashville, Tennessee, United States

I love the finer things in life, and I love writing. That's why I'm here. Want Coco to review your product? E-mail me at cococares@gmail.com!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Coco's Sick Day

I was siiiiick all weekend, and on Monday I decided that I had just about enough of a beating from the cooties in my body, so I went to the doctor. After filling out paperwork, getting blood pressure checked, etc., I saw the doctor around 9:30. I then drove myself to the neighborhood Kroger to get my prescriptions filled.

I need to tell you before I go any further in my story that walking, or doing anything involving movement of any kind would make me short of breath, so I shuffled up to the prescription counter, and was told it would be 20 minutes. Fine I think, I’ll pick up some cat food and more chicken soup whilst I’m here. I shuffled my miserable self over to the cat food aisle, and heard my name over the loud speaker, requesting my return to the pharmacy department.

Great…..I was at the point farthest from the counter.

So I went back to the pharmacy, and was told that they could not fill my prescriptions, because they were out of stock on all three items.

CAN SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME HOW A PHARMACY RUNS OUT OF AMOXICILLIN? Isn’t that one of the most popular “cillins” out there?

The pharmacist said they had been out for two weeks. Inexcusable. After considering coughing in her general direction, or perhaps licking the handset of her phone, I left sans cat food and sans medicine.

I went across the street to the Walgreens drive thru, dropped off the prescriptions, and decided to get the cat food/chicken soup hook-up at the Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market. Walgreens had told me that my prescriptions should be filled in thirty minutes, so I returned at the appointed time to pick my medicine up.

My prescriptions were not ready. I would have let the expletives fly, but that required precious energy. So, I waited, and approximately 20 minutes later paid and started the short trip home.

By the time I got home it was 11:00. I took my medicine, including my hydrocodone-laced cough syrup (which is so GENIUS) and ate an English muffin. I then crashed out on my comfy couch whilst Mr. Darcy was smoldering on the television.

And today I’m back at work, and totally regret not licking the Kroger pharmacist’s phone handset.


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