What Would Coco Do?

"How many cares one loses when one decides not to be something but to be someone." Coco Chanel

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Location: Nashville, Tennessee, United States

I love the finer things in life, and I love writing. That's why I'm here. Want Coco to review your product? E-mail me at cococares@gmail.com!

Friday, May 25, 2007

My shoes are out to get me

I look really cute today. When I say cute, I mean fun, colorful, summer sorta cute that is still appropriate for a classy work environment.

Cute I tells ya.

I am, by nature, a klutz. I am a left-handed person in a right-handed person's world. Table corners jump out and bruise my legs. I have been known to take an inelegant tumble or two when my bosses slightly curled-at-the-corners oriental rug decides to trip me up. It's a hard life I live.

But these shoes take the cake. I could not find a picture of the exact shoe or color, but this is the general heel shape and strappy nature of the pair - although my shoes are a pretty aqua blue.

The brand is "Impo." I think it is relevant that the word "imp" is in there, because I think these shoes are possessed by a mischeivious little booger. Every single time I wear these shoes, I get tripped up in an unexpected manner, whether it is the demarcation line of the carpet/plastic-mat-under-office-chair-thingy, or my pant cuff, I always manage to make a spectacular fool of myself.

I, just now, almost took a spectacular dive, but was able to catch myself, and no one was even around to giggle.

If a klutz trips in the office, and no one sees it, did it really happen? As long as they are not readers of my blog (and no one at work knows about my blog), I say no.


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